In light of the closure of a recent bad employment experience, I thought I'd write a humorous account of my misadventures in the form of a "You might be..." Jeff Foxworthy type list. So, here it is. You might be working for an idiot if:
- Your boss can't spell your name on official documents, despite having multiple printed copies of your name on other documents and your name being only three letters long. (How you get "Qua" from "Kuo" is still beyond me)
- Your boss claims that you should work through dinner because we're dealing with Eastern European programmers on a different time schedule than us. I may not be a math genius, but adding 5-7 hours on to 7ish p.m. Eastern Standard Time seems to put the Europeans in the midnight and beyond range. Perhaps they really are all vampires over there.
- Your boss wants you to write code testing for a number greater than 10 to subsequently execute code testing whether that same number is less than 10. Logic may have been my weakest standardized test score, but I have trouble seeing how it's mathematically possible for a number to be simultaneously greater than and less than 10. (I was going to insert a statistician joke here, but thought better of it)
- Your boss gives you the above logic-confounding instruction on three separate occasions in a 2 week time frame.
- Your boss has been known to call technical support for a company and demand that the outsourced low level support employee log on to his system and tell him why his code isn't working with their software.
- Your boss thinks it's a good idea to do Flash animation over the network work by remotely logging into his system, even though you can only see the animations at a 1-2 frame per second refresh rate.
- He thinks its a good idea to do the above over a trans-Atlantic internet connection.
- Your boss doesn't understand why people can't move around the screen as quickly as he can on his local PC when they're remotely logged into his computer over the internet and he's running a higher resolution than everyone else.
- Your boss (the multitasking guru) thinks it's a good idea to tell you to actively train another developer while simultaneously working on another section of code. Apparently, doing two incongruous tasks which both require active participation must double your effectiveness when done together. I'll remember that next time I'm texting, watching t.v. and driving.
- Your boss tells you that you can't eat lunch because work needs to get done... a mere hour after he eats his lunch in front of you.
- Your boss tells you there's something medically wrong with you for needing to eat so often... after he eats his lunch in front of you. (this was the final straw in my quitting decision)
- Your boss constantly spouts off how he's been doing software engineering for over 25 years... yet he doesn't know anything about programming.
- Your boss, the esteemed software expert, refuses to use version control software on a huge, convoluted code base. Apparently, using industry standard computer software to manage rote, bookkeeping, time-consuming code tasks "develops bad habits." It's a task better handled old school: by error prone humans who don't always remember every little record-keeping step.
- Your boss continually refers to his software as being written in .NET, when none of his code is written in .NET.
- Your boss develops software for the education market... and claims that no one in the education market uses a Mac.
- Your boss, who is developing on a strictly Microsoft platform, thinks it's a better idea to use his own development tools to write and manage code rather than using the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. Apparently, his tools developed in the early 90s work better than highly integrated GUI tools of today. Code folding, code highlighting, pop up function prototypes, easy code navigation and searching, etc. are all features which pale in comparison to deprecated, crash prone, PC Junior-like development software.
- Your boss can't even do problems in the children's math tutorial lessons he himself designed. It took superhuman effort not to bust a gut when he was doing the problems with some young children and got flummoxed by his own tutorial.
1 comment:
He certainly sounds like a winner!
My boss would sit us all down about once every two weeks and ask each of us what exactly it was that we did for the company and how everything worked. Seriously.
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